


The 化学工程理学硕士 program is designed to prepare you for a career in research, 发展, 设计或教育.

无论是在最先进的实验室里钻研研究, mastering data science techniques or tackling real-world problems from the industrial sector, Clarkson's master’s program gives you the opportunity to follow your passion and propel your career.


Clarkson's chemical engineering program is known for impactful hands-on experiences, 最先进的设施 and research excellence, preparing you to excel and command a high salary.

Small class sizes and low student-to-faculty ratios allow close interaction with department faculty, who have combined expertise in all modern areas of chemical engineering.

Whether you’re looking for a more senior position or want to take a deeper dive into the field, a master’s in chemical engineering from Clarkson opens the door to expanded opportunities. Our MS program also provides excellent preparation for admission to a chemical engineering doctoral program.

Payscale公司. ranks Clarkson 在 top 12 Best Master’s Degree Granting Programs by salary potential. 和, esball国际平台客户端五分之一的校友已经是CEO了, 老板:公司的老板或担任高级管理职务的人.


The master's program offers the chance to study the newest chemical engineering topics in depth. 在esball国际app阶段,你至少要修30个学分, including at least 20 credit hours in advanced subject areas and seminars. 您将学习以下主题:

  • 高级化学工程热力学
  • 化学工程分析
  • 化学反应器分析
  • 迁移现象

The balance of your coursework must be consistent with your research or Professional Experience component.


  • 论文:基于独立研究的书面论文.
  • 一个适当的,专业导向的特殊项目.


  • 至少有30个学分的esball国际app课程, 包括至少20个学分的课程和研讨会工作. The balance of coursework must be consistent with the research or professional experience component.
  • Satisfactory completion of one of the research or professional experience components listed below.
    • 论文:基于独立研究的书面论文
    • 综合检查
    • 一个适当的,专业导向的特殊项目

The path for those pursuing the thesis option includes the below requirements.

  1. 以下必修课程:
    • 化学反应器分析II
    • 迁移现象
    • 化学工程分析
    • 高级化学工程热力学
  2. Two additional 3-credit hour technical graduate courses selected in consultation with the student’s advisor. School of Business courses cannot be taken to satisfy this requirement.
    • 两个学时的研讨会. 在住宿期间,所有学生都必须参加研讨会.
    • 10学分的论文. All students are expected to start their thesis research at the beginning of their first semester in residence.
    • The MS thesis must be orally presented and defended before a committee of three or more faculty members, 至少有两个人是系里的.

The 1-credit course, Fundamentals of 研究 and Graduate Study, is highly recommended. 本课程可代替毕业论文1学分.

一个典型的时间表如下. Individuals with an undergraduate degree in chemistry can have a different schedule.

  • 第一学期:
    • 三门3学分的课程(通常是CH560、CH561和一门选修课)
    • 论文五个学分
    • 研讨会一学分
  • 第二学期:
    • 三门3学分的课程(通常是CH546、CH571和一门选修课)
    • 论文五个学分
    • 研讨会一学分
  • 第三学期:
    • 论文一个学分
    • 第四学期:
    • 论文一个学分


A program is available for qualified BS chemists and physicists that will permit them to earn an MS in 化学 Engineering in 4 semesters. 在学习过程中, the student will take almost all the required courses 在 chemical engineering undergraduate curriculum, as well as the chemical engineering graduate level courses required for the MS program. A typical program, which may be altered depending on the background of the student, is given below.

  • 第一学期:
    • 化学工程原理指导研究I (CH501)
    • 化学工程分析(CH561)
    • esball国际app选修
    • 研讨会(CH610)
  • 第二学期:
    • 化学工程原理指导研究II (CH502)
    • 高级化学工程热力学(CH571)
    • esball国际app选修
    • 研讨会(CH610)
  • 第三学期:
    • 输运现象(CH560)
    • 论文(CH611)
  • 第四学期:
    • 化学反应器分析II (CH546)
    • 论文(CH611)

A limited number of one-year and partial-year tuition scholarships are available for qualified full-time students. 也有数量有限的津贴. Most scholarships and/or stipends are associated with department assistantships or completion of a master’s thesis as part of the qualified applicant’s plan of study.

了解更多esball国际平台客户端我们的奖学金和如何申请, 与库尔特工程学院esball国际app部联系 enggrad@813622.com.

Qualified chemists and physicists with a Bachelor of Science are able to earn an MS in 化学 Engineering in four semesters. 在这个学习过程中, the student will take undergraduate courses that are tailored to their background, as well as chemical engineering graduate-level subjects required for the MS program.


  • 网上申请表格
  • 重新开始.
  • 宗旨声明.
  • 3 .推荐信.
  • 官方成绩单.
  • GRE Test Scores: the GRE requirement will be waived for spring and fall 2024 applicants.
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required.
    • 最低考试成绩要求:托福(80分)和托福基础(8分).5)、雅思(6).5) PTE(56分)或Duolingo英语测试(115分).
    • The English language-testing requirement is not waived based on language of instruction, 我们也不接受大学证书. English testing is waived if an applicant has a degree from a country where English is the Native Language. 点击这里 看看这些国家的名单.

先决条件:化学工程学士或学士学位. Those with degrees in other science or engineering disciplines may also be admitted, 但将被要求弥补本科课程的不足.


"One of the best aspects I really enjoy is the program consists of both coursework and engaging research. 他们不会让你的课业负担过重. The course load is very balanced with some very essential chemical engineering core courses."

Mohammad hashibul Hasan '22,化学工程硕士


平均, engineers holding a master’s degree make thousands more upon hire compared to those with only a bachelor’s. 根据Payscale.在网站上,拥有四年制学位的工程师可以赚钱 平均年薪约92,000美元而那些拥有esball国际app文凭的人则可以赚到100万美元 平均年薪约10万美元 -每年相差约8000美元. Class of 2023 MS graduates in 化学 Engineering had starting salaries as high as $138K.


  • 化学工程师
  • 化学家和材料工程师
  • 电化学工程师
  • 工程经理
  • 环境工程师
  • 食品加工工程师
  • 健康安全工程师
  • 石油工程师
  • 等离子体工程师
  • 工艺设计工程师


Candidates who have studied chemical engineering at Clarkson have pursued positions with some of the following employers:

  • Acuity Polymers, Inc.
  • 安海斯-布希
  • 大西洋测试实验室
  • 宾博面包店美国
  • Bristol Myers Squibb
  • 克里|狼速
  • 陶氏化学公司
  • Endyne公司.
  • ForTeq
  • 全球铸造厂
  • 种植和销售肉类
  • HCL科技公司
  • 铟公司
  • 英特尔(intc . o:行情).
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • Lonza
  • 微芯片科技有限公司.
  • Microfabrica
  • 现代化
  • NHBB
  • 挪威人的钛
  • 诺公司
  • Omya公司.
  • 宝洁公司 & 赌博(P&G)
  • Ramboll
  • 任仕达Sourceright
  • Regeneron制药公司.
  • TDK Headway Technologies
  • U.S. 国防部
  • 顶点药品






电子邮件: graduate@813622.com
电话: 518-631-9831

了解更多esball国际平台客户端 化学 & 生物分子工程系库尔特工程与应用科学学院.



Sharpen your technical skills and establish yourself as an expert in an in-demand field with an MS in 化学 Engineering from Clarkson.